Introduction To Version Control

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What is Version Control System?

A version or Source control system is an application that keeps track of the project and manages changes to code.

Why do we need Version Control System?

Problem Statement

Let's assume we are building an application and it's working perfectly. Then you changed the code and now the application broke. Now it is very hard to find that old code. Version Control System solves this problem.


The version control system keeps track of all the files. If you change something it will store that and the main advantage is it will save the history of that project and if we want we can access that. So if we make any mistake and the application breaks we can revert back to any precious checkpoint.

What are Git & Github?

What is Git?

Git is a very popular free, and open-source distributed version control system. It can handle everything from small to large projects and efficiency.

Components of Git:


A GitHub repository works like a folder.

We keep our code inside this repository.

We can create folders inside the repository.

What is GitHub?

Problem Statement

Let's assume we are building an application and we want to collaborate with other people. So we need space or a server where we can store our code and other contributors can access it. GitHub solves this problem.


With the help of GitHub developers around the world can collaborate and create applications.

Installing Git on your local machine

We can download Git from